Season 2024
  • May 11 Porschering
  • June 15 Raassilla RX
  • August 10 Biķernieku Trase
  • September 14 Porschering

Best Lap 2024

Best Lap is an amateur track day series held in Estonia from 2020. Our goal is to offer anyone the possibility to legally ride fastest tracks in Estonia, measure best lap times and become better drivers.

In the 2024 season 4 track days will be held on 3 different tracks: Porsche Ring (Audru), Raassill RX and Bikernieku track in Latvia. Registration for the track day will be opened at least a month before the event. We are waiting for both participants of previous years and new racers to participate in the 2024 season.

  • Magma
  • Cityteed OÜ
  • Pitstop Direct
  • Kruze Disain
  • Sipakson OÜ

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